Children's Education


The Havurah sounds like a good idea for family observances and study but we would still like to have some activity primarily involving our children where they can learn about Jewish values and teachings. We are not that interested in having them learn Hebrew.



As part of the Havurah, we developed a Jewish Education Workshop, a once a week session for our children held at the home of one of our members. We designed the curriculum and hired a teacher/tutor with one parent assisting at every session.     



Let us help you take control over how you teach Judaism to your children. There is no reason to have your children attend a session of an institution that takes your children’s time and does not make them aware of what you want them to know, especially when your children resist going. What a pleasure and how satisfying it is to have your children look forward to attending a class where what is taught is consistent with your values and beliefs.  With our support, you will:

  • Consider structures for a Jewish learning experience
  • Invite other families and their children to participate
  • Read relevant material
  • Develop a curriculum for a year
  • Locate a tutor/teacher
  • Find a classroom
  • Plan and hold the first class – the first step in a cooperative, rewarding experience for both children and their families.  

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