Israel/Palestine Study and Action

Many articles in Tikkun Magazine and  

Starhawk. “Loving the Jewish Community Means Supporting Justice”

click here
Michael Lerner. Healing Israel/Palestine. Institute for Labor & Mental Health, 2003.

Bustan is a grassroots partnership addressing the plight of indigenous and marginalized people in Israel/Palestine.

Americans for Peace Now says on its site “Americans for Peace Now [APN] was founded in 1981 (and) is the leading United States advocate for peace in the Middle East. APN's mission is to help Israel and the Shalom Achshav movement to achieve a comprehensive political settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict consistent with Israel 's long-term security needs and its Jewish and democratic values.

U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation states these to be its principles and purposes “We stand for freedom from occupation, and equal rights for all. International law guarantees these human rights, including the right to exist in peace and security.  We aim to change those U.S. policies that sustain Israel 's 35-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, and deny equal rights for all.”

Jewish Peace Fellowship describes social justice as follows “Social justice in the here and now lies at the heart of Judaism. Torah teaches us that the guiding principle for achieving social justice is shalom -- the establishment of true, positive peace among family, neighborhoods and nations -- secured by the respect for the dignity of everything created in God's image, especially the poor, the weak and the vulnerable. The Jewish Peace Fellowship believes that the practice of tikkun olam, repairing the world, requires us to work for peace and social justice for all.”

The Shalom Center is a network of American Jews who draw on Jewish tradition and spirituality to seek, peace, pursue justice, heal the earth and build community whose director is Rabbi Arthur Waskow  

Brit Tzedek v’Shalom the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, is a national organization of American Jews deeply committed to Israel 's well-being through the achievement of a negotiated settlement to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For a very active discussion group on the Israel/Palestine conflict (as well as politics and other social action topics) consider subscribing to tikkuntalk, an on-line discussion group. You can do this by sending a blank e-mail addressed to  

“Please Help Israel Stop Its Self-Destructive Occupation of Gaza and the West Bank

“The Duty of American Jews” Yitzhak Frankenthal

“Ancient Visions, Future Hopes, Rabbi Aaron Samuel Tamaret’s objection to Zionism as We Know it”   Rabbi Everett Gendler, Chaplain Emeritus at the Phillips Academy, Andover and Rabbi Emeritus at Temple Emanuel, Lowell, MA.

“A Product of the American Jewish Community” by Heidi Altman


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